Фотография экскурсии:

An expedition to Staritsa’s caves
Tverskaya region
The tangled under-earth labyrinths are surrounded with ancient and modern legends. In March you can find in the caves ice stalactites, which are formed only in this time of the year.
Not far from the small town Staritsa there is a range of natural and artificial caves. Some of which were once rock quarries. White stone lime rock had been quarried here since the 8th century. Numerous projects of unreligious as well as orthodox buildings have been built with this material all over the Volga region since the 12th century. Staritsa’s caves were discovered unintentionally, in 1914 by soldiers digging out practice trenches. In on of the spelaean expedition the “Kapkan” cave was discovered, its total length of which reaching 30 kilometers. The area of one of the central parts of the cave reaches 1000 square meters. Staritsa’s caves treasure in themselves many mysteries, and, according to one speculation, the legendary library of the Russian king Ivan the 4Th is hidden somewhere in its subsoil riches. Who knows, maybe you will be the one to find it one day…
About price and a little description
We gather groups from 8 to 24 people.
Besides them there’s an organizing group which deal with security questions, media (video and photo shouting), the cook, medical help, orientation on the rout, medical insurance and other organizational questions.
The Tour lasts 4 days (3 nights and 4 days).
The price depends on several factors, such as the country you live in and others, but the average price is about 9800 rubles. (1 person including the hotel with double room)The total number of people included in organizational group is confidential. We hope for the understanding of the importance of this issue and thankful in advance.
Day – 1
The gathering of the group. (Place and time of the gathering, phone number of the leaser of the group you will get from our managers 3 days earlier).
Coming to the Staritsk town. Checking in the hotel, probably visiting local museum, some free time.
Day – 2
During the day we visit the caves
The night we spend in tents, have dinner near the caves.
Day – 3
In the morning and daylight we visit the caves again
By the night we come back to the hotel and have some free time.
Day – 4
In the morning or in the afternoon we come back to Moscow( Tushinskaya Metrostation)
There might be some changes in the schedule of the route.