Altitude 611

Фотография экскурсии: 
"Altitude -611"
Primorsky region, Russia
On January, 29 in 1986 close to a small town Dalnegorsk in Primorsky region, Russia there was observed a night bolide in the form of a brightly glowing fireball with a streamer. In the place of the ball falling there started a big fire, lasting for about one hour. An expedition group, investigating this territory, noticed a platform 2 to 2 metres with some signs of high temperature exposure. Fragments of rock on it were covered with black film with some tarnish marks, and the platform itself – with black ashes.There were remains of a burnt tree, which had turned into porous coal, which is not typical of a forest fire. There were metal drops found in the ashes as well as black glass-like grains weighing up to 30 milligrams, and also unusal noncoherent net-like grains.
In November, 1987 above Dalnegorsk and other towns of Dalnegosrky, Terneisky, kavalerovsky and Olginsky regions numerous witnesses observed flights of bolides again, some of which lightened the surface of the Earth.
Altitude 611 is located in the zone of numerous anomalies – here you can see huge splits, gravitational alterations. The problem is studied not by amateurs only, not by fans of sensations, but by scientists, weaponed with deep knowledge and modern equipment. All the witness without a single exception, who observed the flight and the fall of the mysterious ball, mentioned “hops” the ball made. Most people say there were two “hops’. And only two girls, living not far from the place of the anomaly said, that the ball “jumped’ 4 times.
On Altitude 611, keeping its secret, which investigators could merely approach, there were several photos made. When the films were developed, they turned to be blank at the side where the place of the anomaly had to be pictured, while all the rest was normally shot.
So what happened on the altitude?
We want to think that members of the expedition will find some objective answers. So what if they won’t? A negative answer also means something. What really matters is that science itself starts with the ambition of people to investigate something unknown.
An exemplary plan of the expedition: visiting on of the possibly real place of a UFO falling, visiting caves, anomaly zones of Primorsky region and the coast of the Pacific Ocean.